Monitoring SONET Performance
520 Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual
Line Type The type of SONET line. The Avidia system currently su pports
short-reach single-mode, multi-mode, and other SONET
Section Current Performance
Port The port number for which the Section current performance is
displayed (each line card has two ports).
Status Options:
•sonetSectionNoDefect—There are no errors on the
SONET Section layer.
•sonetSectionLOS—There is a Loss Of Signal on the
SONET Section layer.
•sonetSectionLOF—There is a Loss Of Frame on the
SONET Section layer.
Errored Seconds The number of seconds during which at least one Sect ion layer
bipolar error was detected or a severely errored frame or loss
of signal error was present.
Severely Errored Seconds The number of seconds during which 2,500 or more Section
layer bipolar errors were detected or a severely errored frame
or loss of signal error was present.
Severely Errored Framing
Seconds The number of seconds during which a severely errored frame
error was present. A severely errored frame is detected when
the incoming signal has a minimum of four consecutive
errored framing patterns.
Coding Violation A count of bipolar errors detected at the Section layer.
Information Description