Chapter9: Configuring Frame Relay Interworking
Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual 225
Displaying Frame Relay FRF.5 Circuit Settings
From the ::frf5=> prompt, type show then press .
::frf5=> show
The following screen illustrates an example of the show command.
Status Box Description
Idx The index number of the frame relay FRF.5 circuit.
Fport The frame card slot and port number in the format
slot.port. For example, slot 4 port 1 would be 4.1.
DLCI The Data Link Connection Identifier (range: 16-991).
Lp The line card slot and port number in the format
Vpi The fr VPI of the fr VCC between the frame channel
card and the line card.
Vci The fr VCI of the fr VCC between the frame channel
card and the line card.
Admn The administrative status of the line: up (activated) or
down (deactivated).
::frf5=> show
Idx Fport DLCI Lp Vpi Vci Admn TxLpM CLPM RxLpM CIR Be Bc TPIx