Chapter7: Configuring Network Services
Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual 151
::ds3=> show 4.1::ds3=> showThe following screen illustrates an example of a show ds3 command. Information Descriptions
Time Elapsed The number of seconds that have elapsed since the curren t
15-minute data collection period began.
Valid Intervals The number of 15-minute data collection intervals for which
data is collected. The Avidia system supports 96 intervals, or
24 hours, of data collection.
Line Type The type of DS3 line. Options:
•dsx3CbitParity (this line type is not currently supported)
Line Coding The type of coding on the line. B3ZS is the only line type
currently supported.
Send Code The type of data currently being transmitted. Currently, only
SendNoCode is supported, indicating that the line is send ing
looped or normal data.
::ds3=> show 12.1
Time Elapsed: 3213
Valid Intervals: 96
Line Type: CbitParity
Line Coding: B3ZS
Send Code: SendNoCode
Circuit Identifier:
Cell Scrambling : Enabled
Framing Mode : Direct
Line Status: LOS
Transmit Clock Source: localTiming
Invalid Intervals: 0
LBO: 0 to 225 feet
Line Status Last Change: Wed, Dec 06 2000 11:19:19
Line Status Change Trap Enable: Enabled
Loop Back Status: NoLoopback
Channelization: disabled
Ds1 For Remote Loop: 1
Admin Status: Up