Configuring PVCCs
444 Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual
The following sections provide instruction on:
adding primary PVCCs (page444)
changing PVCC admin status (page44 8)
deleting PVCCs (page 449)
adding backup PVCCs (page450)
deleting backup PVCCs (page452)
returning service from a backup PVCC to a primary PVCC (page453)
Adding Primary PVCCs
See page443 to open the PVCC Con figuration Table window. Click and if necessary to
view the entire table. displays the beginning of the table. displays the next page of the
table. You can configure cross-connect PVCCs between any two cards in an Avidia chassis.
For frame channel cards, the VPI is always zero and the system automatically
assigns the VCI. Therefore, you do not enter this information during frame
channel card PVCC configuration.
Also, all PVCCs configured on frame ch annel cards are automatically set for
Transparent Lan Service (TLS).