Adding a Subtended System
254 Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual
ADDING A SUBTENDED SYSTEMFrom the ::subtend=> prompt, type the new command in the following format, then press
new <slot.port> <vpi><vci>-srcipaddr <sourceipaddr>-dstipaddr
<destipaddr>-mask <subnetmask>-parentipaddr <paripaddr>
-parentslotport <pslot.pport>[-admin(up|down)]
The slot and port through which subtending occurs.
The VPI for in-band management.
The VCI for in-band management.
-srcipaddr <sourceipaddr>
The IP address of the logical port on the subtending (source) chassis.
-dstipaddr <destipaddr>
The WAN IP address of the logical port on the subtended (destination) chassis.
-mask <subnetmask>
The subnet mask for the IP session.
-parentipaddr <paripaddr>
The IP address of the chassis to which the destination chassis is subtended.
-parentslotport <pslot.pport>
The channel card slot and port through which the destination chassis is subtended.
Specifies the administrative status of the line. Type -admin up to activate the line. Type
-admin down to deactivate it.