Called Number field is specified with M leading digits, where M is a number of digits less than N
(for example, the three digits 855).
NOTE: The screen that follows these case examples depicts a line entry (Service/Feature, Called
Len, Called Number,...) for each case. The first (top) entry is for case 1, the second entry from
the top is for case 2,...the last entry shown is for case 7.
Case 2
Service/Feature field is specified (for example, mega800).
Called Len field is specified with a requirement of N digits (for example, N = 5).
Called Number field is specified with M leading digits, where M is a number of digits less than N
(for example, the single digit 8).
Application for Case 1 being selected — most restrictive
Assume the switch receives a MEGACOM 800 call that has a called-party number IE with 85542.
Based on the Service/Feature and Called Len fields alone, this call will match both case 1 and case 2.
However, on analyzing the called-party number, the incoming call handling software will select Case
1 since it is the more restrictive match. Each incoming call is searched against every screen entry to
identify the appropriate match.
Application for Case 2 being selected
Assume the switch receives a MEGACOM 800 call that has a called-party number IE with the digits
84000. Based on the Service/Feature and Called Len fields alone, this call will match both Case 1
and case 2. However, on analyzing the called-party number, it is determined that the leading digits
(84000) do not match the digits for Case 1 but do match for Case 2.
Case 3
Service/Feature field is specified (for example, mega800).
Called Len field is specified (for example, 4).
Called Number field is not specified (that is, left blank).
Application for Case 3 being selected
A MEGACOM 800 call is received that has a called-party number IE with the digits 8654. Based on
the Service/Feature field alone, this call matches Cases 1-3. However, on analyzing the Called Party
Number IE, there are only 4 leading digits (8654). Cases 1 and 2 are eliminated since they require a
Called Len of 5 digits (Case 3 requires 4 digits). Furthermore, the Case 3 Called Number field is
blank, which matches any number regardless of digit format. The incoming call handling software
selects Case 3 since it matches and is more restrictive than Cases 4-7.