Based on field experience, most problems can be categorized into three general areas:
Translations-based problems
Synchronization-related problems
Physical interfacing connection problems
This appendix is organized so that there are additional subject subheadings within each category. The
organization is as follows:
Translations-based problems
Facility formats
Trunks and trunk groups
Channel-division multiplexers (CDMs)
Channel-expansion multiplexers (CEMs)
D4-channel banks
Synchronization-related problems
Loss of or no synchronization
Leavenworth loop (timing loop)
D4 synchronization problems
Digital central office (CO) synchronization problems
Physical interfacing connection problems and recommended solutions
Although these translation problems are primarily related to System 85, the concepts and diagnostic
procedures are also applicable to System 75.
The administration of digital signal level 1 (DS1) and digital multiplexed interface (DMI) trunks and
trunk groups is similar to that for analog trunks. The same rules for determining trunk type and
trunk signaling apply. The differences are that a digital port circuit pack (ANN11_) and the
transmission facility characteristics must be translated using procedure 260. Also, procedure 116,
rather than procedure 150, is used for assigning the trunk group members to the port locations.
These two new procedures and the additional consideration they require make a DS1/DMI a radical
departure from analog trunks in terms of: