∙If you have voicemail enabled 83, the telephone system will attempt to redirect forwarded calls to voicemail if they are still unanswered after having rung for your no answer time (default 15 seconds). This is not always possible for calls that have been forwarded to an external number.
∙D = Diverting (Forwarding) Calls
A D is shown on your phone's display when you have forward unconditional enabled.
23.17 Group
Your system administrator can include you as a member of a group along with other users. Each group has its own extension number which can be used as the destination for call.
When a call is presented to a group, it is presented to the available group members, either one at a time or all at the same time, until answered by one of the members.
How long a group call will ring at each group member before being presented to the next member is controlled by the group's own settings. Hunt groups also use voicemail and have their own settings for when an unanswered call should go to the group's mailbox. For group calls, the hunt group's voicemail settings are used rather than your settings.
23.18 Idle Line Preference
Having one of your phone's call or line appearance buttons set as the currently selected appearance button, means it will be the appearance button used when you go off hook. If this was not the case, you would need to select an appearance button before going off hook.
Idle line preference automatically selects the first available call appearance or line appearance button as your currently selected button when you do not have a call connected.
23.19 Internal Twinning
This method of twinning twins your normal phone with another internal phone. Your incoming calls will ring on both phones. You can also make your calls from either extension.
A typical example for internal twinning would be a user who uses both a normal desk phone and also needs a mobile phone while moving around the building.
Your settings are applied to both phones. Similarly message waiting indication and voicemail access from either phone will be to your mailbox.
If both your twinned phones are use contacts and call log stored on the phone system, the call logs and directory contacts on each will be the same.
23.20 Line Appearance Button
Line appearance buttons allow you to make and receive calls on a specific telephone line connected to your telephone system. The button also allows you to see when the line is in use by other users.
For incoming calls, the telephone system still determines the destination for the call. That may be a user or group. However, if you have a line appearance button for the line, you will see that there is a call alerting and can answer it if required.
∙Private Lines
Special behaviour is applied to calls where the user has both a line appearance for the line involved and is also the Incoming Call Route destination of that call. Such calls will alert only on the Line Appearance button and not on any other buttons. These calls will also not follow any forwarding.
23.21 Logged Out
If you are logged out from any phone, you are treated as being busy to receiving any calls. Callers follow your forwarding settings if set or go to voicemail if available.
23.22 Login Code
You can use a login code to login at any phone on the telephone system and then use that phone as your own. While logged in, you can use the phone's menus to set and change your login code.
23.23 Missed Call
Missed calls are calls that ring at your phone but are not answered by you. Your 10 most recent missed calls are included in your call log.
The system administrator can configure whether missed calls should include calls that you did not answer but where answered for you by another user. For example by a user with a call coverage button set for your calls. If this mode is enabled, it will also include calls that were answered by your voicemail.
23.24 Missed Group Call
The system administrator can configure whether the telephone system should keep an internal log of missed hunt group calls. They can then also set which groups of which you are a member, should have their missed calls shown as part of your missed calls call log. This does not require the group call to have been presented to you and missed.
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