Table 4-5 Inverter Control Board Level 2 Parameter Definitions - Continued

Block Title







Resistor Ohms

The dynamic braking resistor value in ohms. Refer to dynamic braking manual or call



Baldor for additional information.


Resistor Watts

The dynamic braking resistor watts rating. Refer to dynamic braking manual or call



Baldor for additional information.


DC Brake Current

The amount of DC injection brake current. 0% = Flux current, 100% = Motor rated



current. (Used during encoderless operation).





Process Feedback

Sets the type of signal used for the process feedback signal.


Process Inverse

Causes the process feedback signal to be inverted. Used with reverse acting processes




that use a unipolar signal such as 4-20mA. If “ON”, 20mA will decrease motor speed



and 4mA will increase motor speed.


Setpoint Source

Sets the source input signal to which the process feedback will be compared.



If “Setpoint CMD” is selected, the fixed value of the set point is entered in the Setpoint



Command parameter value.


Setpoint Command

Sets the value of the setpoint the control will try to maintain by adjusting motor speed.



This is only used when the Setpoint Source is a fixed value “Setpoint CMD” under



Setpoint Source.


Set PT ADJ Limit

Sets the maximum speed correction value to be applied to the motor (in response to the


maximum feedback setpoint error). For example, if the max motor speed is 1750



RPM, the setpoint feedback error is 100% and the setpoint adjustment limit is 10%,



the maximum speed the motor will run in response to the setpoint feedback error is



± 175 RPM. If at the process setpoint, the motor speed is 1500 RPM, the maximum



speed adj limits is then 1325 to 1675 RPM.


Process ERR TOL

Sets the width of the comparison band (% of setpoint) with which the process input is


compared. The result is that if the process input is within the comparison band the



corresponding Opto Output will become active.


Process PROP

Sets the PID loop proportional gain. This determines how much adjustment to motor


speed or torque (within the Set PT ADJ Limit) is made to reduce process error.



Sets the PID loop Integral gain. This determines how quickly the motor speed or torque


Process INT Gain


is adjusted to correct long term error.


Process DIFF Gain

Sets the PID loop differential gain. This determines how much adjustment to motor


speed (within the Set PT ADJ Limit) is made for transient error.


Follow I:O Ratio

Sets the ratio of the Master to the Follower in Master/Follower configurations. Requires


the Master Pulse Reference/ Isolated Pulse Follower expansion board. For example,



the master encoder you want to follow is a 1024 count encoder. The follower motor



you wish to control also has a 1024 count encoder on it. If you wish the follower to



run twice the speed of the master, a 1:2 ratio is entered. Fractional ratios such as



0.5:1 are entered as 1:2. Ratio limits are (1-65,535) : (1-20).



Note: The Master Encoder parameter must be defined if a value is entered in the



Follow I:O Ratio parameter.



Note: When using Serial Communications to operate the control, this parameter



value is the MASTER portion of the ratio. The FOLLOWER portion of the



ratio is set in the Follow I:O Out parameter.


Follow I:O Out

This parameter is used only when Serial Communications is used to operate the control.


A Master Pulse Reference/ Isolated Pulse Follower expansion board is required. This



parameter represents the FOLLOWER portion of the ratio. The MASTER portion of



the ratio is set in the Follow I:O Ratio parameter when using Serial operating mode.


Master Encoder

Only used if an optional Master Pulse Reference/Isolated Pulse Follower expansion


board is installed. Defines the number of pulses per revolution of the master encoder.



Programmed into follower drives only.






Sets the type of communication the control is to use, RS-232 ASCII, RS-485 ASCII,


RS-232 BBP or RS-485 BBP protocol.



Baud Rate

Sets the speed at which communication is to occur.



Drive Address

Sets the address of the control for communication.


Programming & Operation 4-21

Page 68
Image 68
Baldor mn722 manual Brake Adjust, Process, Communications