Brother PR-620 operation manual 206, Fabrics. Use stabilizer on top, Is incorrect, Be read

Models: PR-620

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APPENDIX —————————————————————————————————————————————————————


Probable Cause


Reference Page


If the thread breakage sensor in




the thread tension disc of the




thread tension knobs cannot

Correctly pass the thread


Although the

detect that the thread is being


through the thread tension disc.


thread is not

fed, even if the machine is


If the broken thread error occurs


broken, a broken

running, a broken thread error


after the machine is rethreaded,


thread error

occurs and the machine is

the sensor may be damaged.


occurs and the

stopped. If the thread came out


Consult your nearest authorized


machine stops.

of the thread tension disc, even





though the thread is not broken,






the machine detects that the




thread is not being fed and stops.





Replace the needle. Dull



The needle is dull.

needles have a difficult time

p.15, 63


passing through the garment,

There are needle




causing fabrics to tear.


cuts or holes in





The simple penetration of the


the garment.




The fabric is too delicate.

needle could damage delicate



fabrics. Use stabilizer on top of














Adjust the tension according to




the type of fabric and thread




being used. Polyester thread will




stretch during sewing especially



The thread tension is too tight.

if the tensions are set too high.




After the stitching is complete,




the thread returns to its original




strength, causing puckers in the








Tightly frame non-stretchable,




woven fabrics. Loose framing




will cause the fabric to bunch



The framing tension of the fabric

up under the stitching.


There is

Tautly frame soft knits using a


is incorrect.

puckering in the

stable backing. Overstretching






the garment will cause it to look




puckered when the frame is







The column stitches are too

Re-digitize the design with fill



stitching or with multiple rows






of column stitching.











Dull needles push fabric down



The needle is dull.

and damage material. Replace

p.15, 63



the needle.




Too many stitches in an area



The design density is too heavy.

pull fabric, causing it to pucker.



Slightly decrease the design







density by 5% to 10%.






The LCD cannot

The LCD contrast is incorrect.

Adjust the contrast on the LCD.


be read.





This machine is equipped with a thread detecting mechanism. If the machine is not threaded with the upper thread, the machine will not operate correctly, even if the start/stop button is pressed after unlocking the machine.

If the machine suddenly stops:

-Turn off the machine, and unplug the power cord.

-Restart the machine with the correct operating procedure. Refer to page 20.


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Brother PR-620 operation manual 206, Fabrics. Use stabilizer on top, Is incorrect, Be read