Appendix B: EIU troubleshooting 115
DMS-100 Family EIU User Guide TELECOM12
Cannot set up an FTP session between a SuperNode-based
node and an external node 4, 8
Cannot ping between two SuperNode-based nodes 4, 5
Cannot set up an TCP connection between two SuperNode-
based nodes 4, 5, 6
Cannot log in as the admin user 7, 8
Cannot setup an FTP session between two SuperNode-
based nodes 4
Can ping EIU, but cannot ping the computing module (CM) 4
1 There are no EIUs in service.
2 Table IPNETWRK is not datafilled.
3 Table IPROUTER is not datafilled or does not contain the in-service EIU as
one of its entries.
4 Table IPHOST for the node in question is not datafilled with non-zero values.
5 Table IPTHRON contains zero values.
6 Someone else is logged on to the server with the same userID.
7 The system permits only one FTP session at a time for the admin user.
8 There are no TCP resources.
Table 30 EIU troubleshooting checklist (continued)
Problem Probable cause
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