Chapter 1: Introduction to the EIU 43
Logs, alarms, and OMs
In general, the subsystems that generate logs, alarms, and OMs do not have significant changes apart from the standard
Possible loss of information
If a telnet session drops, logs and OMs may be lost.
Log reports
All logs from the EIU conform to the DMS OAM infrastructure. Log messages are formatted in the
The EIU uses the DMS alarm system to report faults. Alarms are raised by major maintenance state changes (usually brought on by hardware problems or overload conditions). In addition, the MAP interface displays a composite alarm banner across the top of the screen. This banner displays alarms with the most urgent priority; as maintenance personnel clear the highest priority alarms, next in priority display for each subsystem. In a healthy
Operational measurements
The EIU uses the DMS OM collection system to collect and distribute operational measurements. The DMS OM subsystem also generates simple reports. OMs can be transferred to
In general, operational measurements can be used to determine performance and capacity in operational components. General types of operational measurements gathered by the switch include the following:
•error counts
•I/O counts (operations completed)
•CPU occupancy