98Chapter 3: EIU datafill
Table 26 lists the fields and value ranges used to datafill an EIU in table
While table 26 provides all the information you need to datafill for EIUs, complete information on table EXNDINV is in
Table 26 Field descriptions for table EXNDINV for EIU datafill
Subfield or refinement
Explanation and action
EXNDKEY | see subfields | External node key |
| This key field consists of subfields |
ENPMTYPE | EXND | External node peripheral module type |
| Enter the PM type as follows: |
| • EXND (external node) |
| Note: These nodes are defined for all |
| products. A product may define |
| additional types of nodes that are valid |
| only for that product. |
ENNODENO | 0 to 31 | External node number |
| Enter a number to identify the external |
| node number of the external node PM |
| type. |
ENNAME | alphanumeric | External node name |
| (vector of up to 12 Enter an external node name. If the | |
| characters) | external node runs the UNIX operating |
| system, a suggested value for the field |
| is the UNIX host name of the node, |
| however, this is not enforced. |
ENADDR | vector of up to 2 |
| elements |
External node address
This field is a vector of addresses for the external node. Each element of the vector contains an address type and an address. For EIUs, the address is
ADDRTYPE | ENIP | Address type |
| If the external node is an Ethernet node |
| that has an IP address and responds to |
| ICMP. |