Appendix G: IP network number requests
This appendix provides information on obtaining an Internet Protocol (IP) address from the Network Information Center (NIC), including information on the type of addresses available and the form required to obtain the address.
NIC is the formal organization that regulates and assigns all IP addresses recognized on the Internet. NIC ensures that the network portion of an IP address is unique. NIC assigns the network portion of the IP address to the requesting organization, and delegates responsibility for assigning host addresses to that organization.
While NIC assigns IP addresses for networks that are attached to the connected Internet, it is not concerned with isolated networks that do not access the Internet. As a result, an organization with an isolated network may choose to assign arbitrary addresses to the nodes within that network, without regulation through NIC. However, experience across the Internetworking industry shows that the unregulated address structures result in the following limitations:
•prevent future interoperability of the corporate network with the Internet
•may cause significant problems and downtime when converting the corporate network to assigned addresses in the future
It is strongly recommended that an organization obtain official Internet addresses from the NIC.
Considerations for obtaining IP addresses
Consider the following characteristics of the network when assigning IP addresses to hosts within the network:
•SuperNode network topology
•the dynamic routing strategy (only routing information protocol [RIP] is supported on the Ethernet interface unit [EIU])
•network security