74Chapter 3: EIU datafill
•routing tables and algorithms are added to the IP as part of its addressing function
•the capability to datafill and distribute configurable information that is associated with the TCP/IP protocols using table control and the distributed data manager is added
Datafill sequence and implications
Before datafilling table IPNETWRK, the following prerequisites must be in place:
•the EIU must be datafilled in LIUINV table
•Nortel Networks recommends to place the default EIU in the
•table IPROUTER must be empty
Note: Table IPROUTER is not required for interface EIUs.
If these conditions are not met, the system generates an error message that indicates which conditions have not been met.
Datafill for table IPNETWRK
Table 12 lists the fields and value ranges used to datafill an EIU in table