Chapter 3: EIU datafill
This chapter describes the datafill requirements for installing and maintaining Ethernet interface units (EIU) in an Ethernet network. There are seven data schema tables required to provision the EIU. The purpose of each table is summarized in table 10.
Table 10 Summary of data schema tables required for EIU provisioning
Table | Description |
LIUINV | Table LIUINV is the main inventory table for configuring EIUs, and includes card |
| product engineering codes (PEC), shelf location, default load name, Ethernet |
| MAC address, and a flag to enable local area network (LAN) heartbeat checking. |
IPNETWRK | Table IPNETWRK defines the SuperNode subnetwork (IP address class, DMS- |
| core host address, subnetwork mask, and default EIU). The SuperNode subnet |
| is derived from the subnet mask and the |
IPROUTER | Table IPROUTER defines the routing functions of the EIUs (SuperNode side and |
| LAN side IP addresses, and flags to enable address resolution protocol (ARP) |
| and proxy ARP protocols). |
IPHOST | Table IPHOST defines IP addresses for all IP hosts in the switch. Hosts include |
| computing module (CM), application processors (AP), file processors (FP), |
| application processors for UNIX (APUX), and the EIU. |
IPPROTO | Table IPPROTO defines timers for ARP refresh. |
IPTHRON | Table IPTHRON defines IP throttling data in kbyte/s for the EIUs and APUs. Table |
| entries allow favoring of the CM, APs, and FPs. This table protects the DS30 links |
| in the LPP from traffic overflow, and is needed for messaging. |
ENSITES | Table ENSITES contains a complete list of all sites referenced in table EXNDINV. |
ENTYPES | Table ENTYPES contains a complete list of all external node types referenced in |
| table EXNDINV. |
EXNDINV | Table EXNDINV lets the maintenance and administration position (MAP) operator |
| monitor and control nodes that are either attached to SuperNode switches by EIU, |
| or attached to SuperNode or NT40 switches by an input/output controller (IOC) |
| X.25 card. |