Appendix C: Using FTP 121
DMS>get source ‘/a/b/filename’
DMS>put ‘/a/b/filename’ destination
•If you have a client session on the
DMS>get ‘dmopro.exec’ ‘/S00DTEMP/DMOPRO’ DMS>put ‘/S00DTEMP/RECORDFILE’ ‘recordfile’
Note: The CI on the
•When FTPing to the
DMS FTP client commands
This section lists the commands that the client implements. FTP clients are slightly different from one implementation to another. Some clients have more commands than others. The DMS client has a small command list but it has the quote command feature which allows it to send any command “as is”. This makes it flexible.
Note: Some commands are not available in field loads.
FTP commands are summarized in table 33.
Table 33 FTP commands on the DMS-100 switch
Command | Description |
ASCII | change file transfer to ASCII type |
AUTOLRECL | enable or disable automatic record length detection |
BINARY | change the file transfer to binary type |
CD | change the working directory |
COMMANDMASK | set the command mask for ADDUSERINFO |
COMMANDTIMEOUT | set the command idle time for ADDUSERINFO |
DELETE | delete the file specified in the path name |
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