ftp> ls
and pressing the Enter key.
Example of a MAP response: 200 Type set to A.
.Xresources Windows
WSFILE dmsplpermdir dmspltempdir
226 Transfer complete.
200 Type set to A.
List the files names in brief in the directory by typing
Procedure 3 Listing files and changing to another directory
1 Establish an FTP session and determine your location as described in procedure 1 in this appendix.
You have completed this procedure.
Procedure 2 Determining your directory location Step Action
1 Establish an FTP session as described in procedure 1 in this appendix.
2 Request the current directory path by typing ftp> pwd
and pressing the Enter key. Example of a MAP response:
257 "/tmp_mnt/home/users/johnh" is current directory.
You have completed this procedure.
124 Appendix C: Using FTP
passwd is a valid user password for the userID that you are using
You are placed in the default directory. Example of a MAP response:
230 User johnh logged in.