70Chapter 3: EIU datafill
Table 11 Field descriptions for table LIUINV for EIU datafill (continued)
Subfield or refinement
Explanation and action
LIUNO | 0 to 511 | Link interface unit number |
| Enter the number assigned to the EIU. |
| The actual physical location of the EIU. |
| This field identifies the shelf and slot |
| number where the EIU is located |
LOCATION | see subfields | Location |
| Enter the location of the EIU on the host |
| link interface module. |
| This field consists of subfields CTRL, |
CTRL | see subfield | Control information |
| This field consists of subfield |
CONTROL | LIM or MS | Controlling host entity |
| Enter MS if the host is a message |
| switch and datafill subfields MSCARD |
| and MSPORT. |
| Enter LIM if the controlling host is a link |
| interface module and datafill field |
MSCARD | 5 to 23 | Message switch card |
| If the entry in field CONTROL is MS, |
| enter the message switch card number. |
| Any entries outside the range indicated |
| for this field are invalid. |
MSPORT | 0 to 3 | Message switch port |
| If the entry in field CONTROL is MS, |
| enter the message switch port number. |
LIMNUM | 0 to 16 | Link interface module number |
| If the entry in field CONTROL is LIM, |
| enter the host LIM number on which the |
| LIU resides. |
| Otherwise, leave this field blank. |
SHELFNUM | 0 to 3 | Shelf number |
| Enter the shelf number, at the host LIM, |
| on which the EIU is located. |