Chapter 3: EIU datafill 89
The datafill appears in the following table.
Table 21 Field descriptions for conditional datafill for NODENAME = MS
Field | Subfield or | Entry | Explanation and action |
| refinement |
| MSINDEX | 0 to 1 | Message switch index |
| Enter the MS index. |
| SNADDR | table of 4 | Internet Protocol address for node |
| (0 to 255) | Enter the IP address of the SuperNode |
| side of the node. |
| TCPCONN | 0 | Transmission control protocol |
| connections |
| Enter the TCP connections number. |
| FTPCLCON | 0 | File transfer protocol connections |
| Enter the FTP connections number. |
| FTPSVCON | 0 | File transfer protocol server |
| connections |
| Enter the FTP server number. |
Sample datafill for table IPHOST
Figure 18 shows sample datafill for table IPHOST for an EIU.
Figure 18 Datafill example for table IPHOST
0 | CM | 0 |
| 32 | 1 | 1 |
1 | EIU | 117 47 209 192 117 |
| 47 | 59 132 241 | 8 | 0 | 0 |
Table IPTHRON contains the IP throttling numbers that control congestion. The IP datagram flow from SuperNode hosts requires throttling to control congestion in the shared communication resources between the local message switch (LMS) and the message switch (MS). The IP throttling values in this table indicate the level of throttling in kbyte/s imposed by each IP SuperNode host.
The following are general rules for datafilling table IPTHRON:
•The LMS node name and number are key to each tuple.