Job Details

You can check the details of copy and print jobs, such as the date and time the machine received and processed the jobs, and the number of pages.


If the Job Log Display in System Settings (from the Additional Functions screen) is set to 'Off', the following items are not displayed on the System Monitor screen:

-On the System Monitor screen

<Activity Report (RX)>, [Details], and [Print List] on the Receive screen Copy, Send, Fax, and Print job logs

-On the Print Job screen [Log]

For information on the operations that can be performed on printer jobs using the Print function, see the PS/PCL/UFR II Printer Guide.

Only operations for print jobs can be performed on the Print Job screen.

Checking Copy/Print Job Details

Checking Copy/Print Job Details from the System Monitor Screen

1 Press [System Monitor] select the job type ([Copy] or [Print]).


To check the details of jobs specified through a MEAP application, select [Print] for both MEAP copy and print jobs.


Checking Job and Device Status

Job Details
