Chapter 4 Basic
Verifying the Configuration
Verifying the Configuration
While at the console, verify that the WLSE is correctly configured by performing the following steps.
For more information on the CLI commands used in the following procedure, see the User Guide for the CiscoWorks Wireless LAN Solution Engine, Release 2.7.
Step 1 At the system console, enter admin at the login prompt, and log in with the password you created during setup. You can also use Telnet or SSH to log in as the admin user.
Note For security reasons, Telnet is disabled on the WLSE by default. If you want to connect to the CLI interface using Telnet, you can enable it by selecting Administration > Appliance > Security > SSH and Telnet. Then select enable and click Configure to save the change.
Step 2 If you are using a DNS server, enter the following command to verify that the WLSE can obtain DNS services from the network:
#nslookup dns-name
Step 3 Enter the following command to verify that the system can communicate with the network:
#ping ip-address
| Installation and Configuration Guide for the CiscoWorks Wireless LAN Solution Engine |