Appendix A Installing
Upgrade Methods
Note The virtual drive (f: in this example) will be removed after you reboot the Windows 2000, Windows NT, or Windows XP server.
Step 3
A browser window opens and displays the Appliance Update screen. Minimize this window.
Step 4 Go to Install the Software, page
Install the Software
In this procedure, you define the repository and install the software.
Step 1 Log in as the admin user via Telnet or SSH on the WLSE to be upgraded. Step 2 Enter install mode:
Step 3 Define the repository.
•To define a local repository, enter the following command:
install:configure default
•To define a remote repository, enter the following command:
install:configure URL URL_value
where URL_value is the HTTP URL of the remote repository. For example:
install:configure URL
Step 4 To view a list of the software images and updates available for installation, enter the following command:
| Installation and Configuration Guide for the CiscoWorks Wireless LAN Solution Engine |