Chapter 5 Setting Up
Setting Up IOS Access Points
There are three ways to configure WDS access points:
•Use the access point web
•Use the access point CLI
•Use a WLSE configuration
Note If you are using redundant WLSEs for high availability, use the VIP address as the IP address of the WLSE when configuring WDS. For more information on redundancy, see the online help or the User Guide for the CiscoWorks Wireless LAN Solution Engine, Release 2.7.
Using the Web Interface to Configure WDS Points
To configure WDS access points by using the web interface:
Step 1 Log in to an AP that will serve as a WDS device.
Step 2 Select Wireless Services > WDS.
Step 3 Select the General
Step 4 To enable WDS, select Use this AP as Wireless Domain Services.
Step 5 Enter a value between 1 and 255 in the Wireless Domain Services Priority field.
The priority value is used to determine which AP will be the active WDS AP when multiple APs are configured to run WDS. The highest priority is 255.
Step 6 Configure the Wireless Network Manager (WNM) options:
a.Select Configure Wireless Network Manager.
b.Enter the IP address of your WLSE in the Wireless Network Manager IP Address field.
c.Click Apply.
Step 7 Define the AAA server group(s) for LEAP authenticating the WLSE and the infrastructure access points participating in SWAN:
a.Select the Server Groups tab.
| Installation and Configuration Guide for the CiscoWorks Wireless LAN Solution Engine |