Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release8.1
Chapter2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands show system
Related Commands se t syste m ba ud
set system contact
set system core-dump
set system core-file
set system countrycode
set system location
set system modem
set system name
set system syslog-dump
set system syslog-file
Index Number of the show command entry in the system informatio n
logging list.
System Command Show command whose output is logged to the TFTP or RCP server.
Syslog Dump Status of the syslog dump feature (enable or disable).
Syslog File Flash file device and syslog dump file name.
Backplane-Traffic Current traffic percentage.
Fabric Chan Number of the fabric channel.
Input Percentage of fabric channel utilization for input.
Output Percentage of fabric channel utilization for output.
Table2-94 show system Command Output Fields (continued)
Field Description