Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release8.1
Chapter2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands ping
pingTo send ICMP echo-request packets to another node on the network, use the ping command. You can
also use the ping command without arguments to configure ping.
ping -s host
ping -s host [packet_size] [packet_count]
Syntax Description
Defaults The defaults for ping -s are as follows:
•packet_size is 56 bytes
•packet_count is 2,147,483,647
The defaults for ping with no arguments are as follows:
•packet_size is 56 bytes
•packet_count is 5
•Wait time is 2 seconds
•Target IP address is none (this is a mandatory field)
•Source address is the host IP address
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Normal or privileged.
Usage Guidelines General ping command guidelines are as follows:
•Press Ctrl-C to stop pinging.
•Continuous ping means that, unless you press Ctrl-C to stop pinging, packets are gene rated
continually and dispatched to the host.
•The actual packet size is 8 bytes larger than the size you specify because the switch adds
header information.
•Normal response—The normal response occurs in 1 to 10 sec onds , dep en ding on ne twor k tr affic.
-s Causes ping to send one datagram per second, printing one line of output
for every response received.
host IP address or IP alias of the host.
packet_size (Optional) Number of bytes in a packet, from 56 to 1472 bytes.
packet_count (Optional) Number of packets to send; valid values are from 0 to