Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release8.1
Chapter2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
show module
This example shows the display for a supervisor engine 720:
Console> show module 6
Mod Slot Ports Module-Type Model Sub Status
--- ---- ----- ------------------------- ------------------- --- --------
6 6 0 Sup 3 CPU Board Ariel --SUP3-ARIEL-- no ok
Mod Module-Name Serial-Num
--- -------------------- -----------
6 SAD04510ATR
Mod MAC-Address(es) Hw Fw Sw
--- -------------------------------------- ------ ---------- -----------------
6 00-40-0b-ff-00-00 0.202 6.1(3) 7.5(0.2)CLR
Table 2 -52 describes the possible fields in the show module command output.
Table2-52 show module Command Output Fields
Field Description
Mod Module number.
Slot Number of the slot where the module or submodule resides.
Ports Number of ports on the module.
Module-Type Module (such as 100BASE-X Ethernet).
Model Model number of the module.
Sub Status of whether a submodule is installed.
Status Status of the module. Possible status strings are ok, disable, faulty,
other, standby, error, pwr-down, and pwr-deny states1.
1. The pwr-down and pwr-deny states are supported by the power management feature.
Module-Name Name of the module.
Serial-Num Serial number of the module.
MAC-Address(es) MAC address or MAC address range for the module.
2. Hw for the supervisor engine displays the supervisor engine’s EARL hardware version.
Hardware version of the module.
3. Fw for the supervisor engine displays the supervisor engine’s boot version.
Firmware version of the module.
Sw Software version on the module.
4. This field displays EARL information.
Submodule type.
Sub-Model4Model number of the submodule.
Sub-Serial4Serial number of the submodule.
Sub-Hw4Hardware version of the submodule.