Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release8.1
Chapter2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands show counters
Table 2 -29 describes the possible fields in the show counters command out put.
Table2-29 show counters Command Output Fields
Field Description
64-bit counters
rxHCTotalPkts Number of packets (including bad packets, broadcast packets, and m ultica st pac kets)
received on a link.
txHCTotalPkts Number of packets (including bad packets, broadcast packe ts, a nd mul tica st pa ckets)
transmitted on a link.
rxHCUnicastPkts Number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub)layer, which were not
addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer.
txHCUnicastPkts Number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, a nd which were not
addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this subl ayer, includ i ng th ose t hat we re
discarded or not sent.
rxHCMulticastPkts Number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub)layer, which were addressed
to a multicast address at this sublayer. For a MAC layer protocol, this includes both Group
and Functional addresses.
txHCMulticastPkts Number of packets that h ighe r-level protocols re quest ed b e transm itt ed, and w hich we re
addressed to a multicast address at this sublayer, in clu di ng th os e th at were discarded or not
sent. For a MAC layer protocol, this includes both Group and Functional addresses.
rxHCBroadcastPkts Number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher (sub)layer, which were addressed
to a broadcast address at this sublayer.
txHCBroadcastPkts Number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were
addressed to a broadcast address at this subla yer, including those that were discarded or not
rxHCOctets Number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters.
txHCOctets Number of octets transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.
rxTxHCPkts64Octets Number of packets (including bad packets) received that were 64 octets in length (excluding
framing bits but including FCS octets).
rxTxHCPkts65to127Octets Number of packets (including bad packets) received that were between 65 and 127 octets in
length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets).
rxTxHCPkts128to255Octets Number of packets (including bad packets) received that were between 128 and 255 octets
in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets).
rxTxHCPkts256to511Octets Number of packets (including bad packets) received that were between 256 and 511 octets
in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets).
rxTxHCpkts512to1023Octets Number of packets (including bad packets) received that were between 512 and 1023 octets
in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets).
rxTxHCpkts1024to1518Octets Nu mber of packets (inclu ding bad packet s) received that were betwe en 1024 and 1518
octets in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets).
rxDropEvents1Number of events in which packets were dropped by the probe due to lack of resourc es .