Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release8.1
Chapter2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands set system syslog-dump
set system syslog-dumpTo write system messages in the syslog buffer to a flash file before the system fails, use the set system
syslog-dump command.
set system syslog-dump {enable | disable}
Syntax Description
Defaults The syslog dump feature is disabled.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Privileged.
Usage Guidelines If the system fails, a f ile containing the system messages in the syslog buffer (as displayed when entering
the show logging buffer command) is produced.
Enter the set system syslog-file command to specify the flash device and syslog file name for the syslog
dump when the system fails.
Examples This example shows how to enable the syslog du mp fe a ture :
Console> (enable) set system syslog-dump enable
(1) In the event of a system crash, this feature will
cause a syslog file to be written out.
(2) Selected syslog file is slot0:sysloginfo
(3) Please make sure the above device has been installed,
and ready to use.
Syslog-dump enabled
Console> (enable)
This example shows how to disable the syslog dump feature:
Console> (enable) set system syslog-dump disable
Syslog-dump disabled
Console> (enable)
Related Commands se t syste m sy slog-file
show system
enable Enables the syslog dump feature.
disable Disables the syslog dump feature.