Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release8.1
Chapter2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands set cam
Usage Guidelines If the given MAC address is a multicast address (the least significant bit of the most significant byte is
set to1 ) or broadcast address (ff-ff-ff-ff-ff-ff) an d you spec ify multiple ports, th e ports must all be in t he
same VLAN. If the given address is a unicast address and you specify multiple ports, the ports must be
in different VLANs.
The MSM does not support the set cam command.
If you enter a route descriptor with no VLAN parameter specified, the default is the VLAN alre ady
associated with the port. If you enter a route descriptor, you may only use a single port number (of the
associated port).
The MAC address and VLAN for a host can be stored in the NVRAM it is maintained even after a reset.
The vlan value is optional unless you are setting CAM entries to dynamic, static, or permanen t for a
trunk port, or if you are using the agingtime keyword.
If port(s) are trunk ports, you must specify the VLAN.
Static (nonpermanent) entries remain in the table until you reset the active supervisor engine.
Enter the route_descr variable as two hexadecimal bytes in the following format: 004F. Do not use a “-”
to separate the bytes.
Note Static CAM entries that are configured on the active supervisor engine are lost after fast switchover.
You must reconfigure CAM entries after fast switchover.
Examples This example shows how to set the CAM table aging time to 300 seconds:
Console> (enable) set cam agingtime 1 300
Vlan 1 CAM aging time set to 300 seconds.
Console> (enable)
This example shows how to add a unicast entry to the table for modul e 2, p ort 9:
Console> (enable) set cam static 00-00-0c-a0-03-fa 2/9
Static unicast entry added to CAM table.
Console> (enable)
This example shows how to add a permanent multicast entry to the table for module 1, port 1, and
module 2, ports 1, 3, and 8 through 12:
Console> (enable) set cam permanent 01-40-0b-a0-03-fa 1/1,2/1,2/3,2/8-12
Permanent multicast entry added to CAM table.
Console> (enable)
This example s hows how to add a traffic filter entry to the table:
Console> (enable) set cam static filter 00-02-03-04-05-06 1
Filter entry added to CAM table.
Console> (enable)
Related Commands clear cam
show cam