Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release8.1
AppendixA Acronyms
PVID port VLAN identifier
PVST per VLAN spanning tree
QoS quality of service
RADIUS Remote Access Dial-In User Service
RAM random-access memory
rcp Remote Copy Protocol
RGMP Router-Ports Group Management Protocol
RIF R outi ng In fo rmat ion Fi eld
RMON Remote Monitoring
ROM read-only memory
RPF reverse path forwarding
RSA Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman (a public-key cryptographic system)
RST reset
RSVP ReSerVation Protocol
SAID Security Association Identifier
SAP service access point
SIMM single in-line memory module
SLCP Supervisor Line-Card Processor
SLIP Serial Line Internet Protocol
SMP s tandby monitor present
SMT station mana gement
SNAP Subnetwork Access Protocol
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
SPAN Switched Port Analyzer
SRB source-route bridging
SRT source-route transparent bridging
SSH Secure Shell
STE Spanning Tree Explorer
STP Spanning Tree Protocol
SVC switched virtual circuit
TAC Technical Assistance Center (Cisco)
TACACS+ Terminal Access Controller Access Control System Plus
TCL tool command language
TCP/IP Transmission Con trol Protocol /Inter net Protoco l
TDR Time Domain Reflectometer
TableA-1 List of Acronyms (continued)
Acronym Expansion