Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release8.1
Chapter2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
set logging callhome destination
set logging callhome destination
To set the CallHome destination address to receive the Ca llHome messages, fragment size, SNMP profil e
and SNMP index, use the set logging callhome destination command.
set logging callhome destination E_addr [fragment size] [snmp-profile name] [snmp-index
Syntax Description
Defaults The default settings are as follows:
fragment size0 (no fragmentation).
snmp-profile name—_CLI_NAME0, _CLI_NAME1, _CLI_NAME2, _CLI_NAME3 for the first
through the fourth snmp-profile name in the destination address table.
snmp-index snmp-index—1, 2, 3, 4 for the first through the fourth snmp-index in the destination
address table.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Privileged.
Usage Guidelines You must enter this command for each destination address to receive syslog messages.
You can configure a maximum of four destination addresses.
The e-mail or pager address can be a maximum of 63 c hara cte rs.
A fragment size of 0 specifies no fragmentation.
The SNMP profile and SNMP index are required for SNMP purposes only and do not need to be
specified from the CLI.
Examples This example shows how to set the following addresses to receive CallHome messages:
page adminjoe@epage.cisco.com using a fragment size of 128 bytes
e-mail adminboss@cisco.com, and adminjane@cisco.com
Console> (enable) set logging callhome destination adminjoe@epage.cisco fragment 128
Included adminjoe@epage.cisco in the table of callhome destination addresses.
Messages will be sent to this address in fragments of 128 bytes.
E_addr The e-mail or pager address to receive CallHome messages.
fragment size (Optional) Sends CallHome messages as a series of fragmented
messages; valid values are from 0 to 160 bytes.
snmp-profile name (Optional) Specifies the SNMP profile name.
snmp-index snmp-index (Optional) Specifies the SNMP profile index; valid values are from
1 to 65535.