Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release8.1
Chapter2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands set cdp
set cdp
To enable, disable, or configure Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) features globally on a ll po rt s o r on
specified ports, use the set cdp command.
set cdp {enable | disable} {mod/ports...}
set cdp interval interval
set cdp holdtime holdtime
set cdp version v1 | v2
set cdp format device-id {mac-address | other}
Syntax Description
Defaults The default system configuration has CDP enabled. The message interval is set to 60 seconds for every
port; the default Time-To-Live value has the message interval globally set to 180 seconds. The default
CDP version is version 2.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Privileged.
enable Enables the CDP feature.
disable Disables the CDP feature.
mod/ports.. Number of the module and the ports on the module.
interval Specifies the CDP message interval value.
interval Number of seconds the system waits before sending a message;
valid values are from 5 to 900 seconds.
holdtime Specifies the global Time-To-Live value.
holdtime Number of seconds for the global Time-To -Live value; valid values
are from 10 to 255 seconds.
v1 | v2 Specifies the CDP version number.
device-id Sets the device-ID TLV format.
mac-address Specifies that the device-ID TLV carry the MAC address of the
sending device in ASCII, in canonical format.
other Specifies that the device’s hardware serial number concatenated
with the device name between parenthesis.