Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release8.1
Chapter2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands set qos drop-threshold
The number preceding the q letter in the port type determines the number of t he queues that the har dware
supports. For example, with 2q2t, the number of queues specified is two; with 1q2t, 1q4t and 1p1q4t,
the number of queues specified is one. The system defaults for the transmit queues attempt to keep the
maximum latency through a port at a maximum of 10 milliseconds.
The number preceding the p letter in the 1p1q4t port types determines the threshold in the
When you configure the drop threshold for 1p1q4t, the drop threshold for the second queu e is
100 percent and is not configurable.
The thresholds are all specified as percentages; 10 indicates a threshold when the buffer is
10 percent full.
The single-port ATM OC-12 module does not support transmit-queue drop thresholds.
Examples This example shows how to assign the transmit-queue drop threshol d:
Console> (enable) set qos drop-threshold 2q2t tx queue 1 40 80
Transmit drop thresholds for queue 1 set at 40% and 80%
Console> (enable)
These examples show how to assign the receive-queue drop threshold:
Console> (enable) set qos drop-threshold 1q4t rx queue 1 40 50 60 100
Receive drop thresholds for queue 1 set at 40% 50% 60% 100%
Console> (enable)
Console> (enable) set qos drop-threshold 1p1q4t rx queue 1 40 50 60 100
Receive drop thresholds for queue 1 set at 40% 50% 60% 100%
Console> (enable)
Related Commands show qos info