Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release8.1
Chapter2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
show port broadcast
show port broadcastTo display broadcast information, use the show port broadcast command.
show port broadcast [mod[/port]]
Syntax Description
Defaults This command has no default settings.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Privileged.
Usage Guidelines If you do not specify a mod value, the ports on all modules are shown.
If you do not specify a port value, all the ports on the module are shown.
On the 1000BASE-X switching module, when you specify a port for b roadc as t sup pressi on , th e tra ffic
is suppressed only in the network-to-Catalyst 6500 series switch bus direction.
Examples This example shows how to display broadcast information for mod ul e 4, p ort 6:
Console> show port broadcast 4/6
Port Broadcast-Limit Multicast Unicast Total-Drop Violation
-------- --------------- --------- ------- -------------------- ------------
4/6 90.00 % - - 0 drop-packets
Table 2 -65 describes the possible fields (depending on the port type qu eried) in the sho w port broadcast
command output.
mod (Optional) Number of the module.
port (Optional) Number of the port on the module.
Table2-65 show port broadcast Command Output Fields
Field Description
Port Module and port number.
Broadcast-Limit Broadcast threshold configured for the port.
Multicast Number of multicast packets dropped.
Unicast Number of unicast packets dropped.