Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release8.1
Chapter2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands show fabric channel
Table 2 -31 describes the fields in the show fabric channel output.
Related Commands switch fabric
Table2-31 show fabric channel Command Output Fields
Field Description
rxErrors Number of received errors.
txErrors Number of transmitted errors.
txDropped Number of dropped transmitted packets.
Input Percentage of input traffic utilization.
Output Percentage of output traffic utilization.
Num Fab Chan Number of fabric channels associated with the module.
Global switching mode Global switching mode of the switch (flow through, truncated, and
Fab Chan Fabric channel number; see the “Usage Guidelines” section for
additional information.
Switch Mode Channel switch mode type (flow through, truncated, and compact) .
Channel Status Channel status (ok, sync error, CRC error, heartbeat error, buffer error,
timeout error, or unknown).
Speed Speed of the fabric link (8 Gbps or 20 Gbps).
Input Percentages of input traffic utilization.
Output Percentages of output traffic utilization.