Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release8.1
Chapter2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
set system highavailability versioning
set system highavailability versioning
To enable and disable support for supervisor engine image versioning, use the set syste m
highavailability versioning command.
set system highavailability versioning {enable | disable}
Syntax Description
Defaults The default is disabled.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Privileged.
Usage Guidelines The high-availability versioning feature allows the Catalyst 6500 series switch to run different images
on the active and redundant supervisor engines. When you enable image versioning, Flash image
synchronization (from active to the redundant supervisor engines) d oe s n ot o cc ur, allowing active and
redundant supervisor engines to run different images.
Caution When you disable image versioning, the active and redundant supervi so r en gine s m ust r un the same
image version.
If you disable the image versioning option from the enabled state, no additional action is necessary on
the redundant supervisor engine. (The redundant supervisor engine sh ould be run ni ng t he sa me im ag e
as the active supervisor engine.) If you want to load a different image, you have to restart the redundant
supervisor engine.
If you enable the image versioning option from the disable d sta te an d y ou have a red undan t sup ervi sor
engine and active supervisor engine running a different image than that of the ac tive supervi s or e ngine,
Flash synchronization will copy the active supervisor engine image to the r ed und an t supe rvi sor en gine
image and then restart it.
If you enable the image versioning option on the active supervisor engine and the redu ndant supervisor
engine is running a different image, the NVRAM synchroni zat ion cann ot o ccur be cau se the N VRA M
versions are not compatible. If this is the case, after switchover, the old NVRAM configuration on the
supervisor engine is used.
enable Activates system high-availability versioning.
disable Deactivates system high-availability versioning.