Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release8.1
Chapter1 Command-Line Interfac es Switch CLI
You can designate ports by entering the module and port number pairs, separated by commas. To specify
a range of ports, use a dash (-) between the module n umb er and po rt n umb er p ai rs . Da shes ta ke
precedence over commas. The following examples show several way s o f des ig na tin g p ort s:
Example 1: 2/1,2/3 denotes module 2, port 1 and module 2, port 3.
Example 2: 2/1-12 denotes module 2, ports 1 through 12.
Example 3: 2/1-2/12 also denotes module 2, ports 1 through 12.
Each VLAN is designated by a single number. You can specify lists of VLANs the same way you do for
ports. Individual VLANs are separated by commas (,); ranges are s epar ate d by d ashes (- ). In t he
following example, VLANs 1 through 10 and VLAN 1000 are specified :
Designating MAC Addresses, IP and IPX Addresses, and IP Aliases
Some commands require a MAC address that you must designate in a standard format. The MAC address
format must be six hexadecimal numbers separated by hyphens, as shown in this exampl e:
Some commands require an IP address. The IP address format is 32 bits, written as four octets separated
by periods (dotted decimal format). IP addresses are made up of a ne twork se ct ion, a n opt iona l su bne t
section, and a host section, as shown in this example:
If DNS is configured properly on the switch, you can use IP host na mes i nste ad o f I P a ddre sses . For
information on configuring DNS, refer to the Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Software Configuration
If the IP alias table is configured, you can use IP aliases in place of the dotted decimal IP address. This
is true for most commands that use an IP address, except commands that define the IP address or IP alias.
When entering the IPX address syntax, use the following format:
IPX net address—1..FFFFFFFE
IPX node address—x.x.x where x is 0..FFFF
IPX address—ipx_net.ipx_node (for example 3.0034.1245.AB45, A43.0000.0000.0001)
Using Command Completion Features
The command completion features consist of these funct ions :
Using Command Self-Repeat
Using Keyword Lookup
Using Partial Keyword Lookup
Using Command Completion