E X P A N S I O N B U S to communicate
—Your system contains an expansion bus that allows the processor with controllers for peripherals, such as NICs.
E X P A N S I O N C A R D — An
E X P A N S I O N - C A R D C O N N E C T O R — A connector on the system board or riser board for plugging in an expansion card.
F — Fahrenheit.
FAT — File allocation table. The file system structure used by
F L A S H M E M O R Y — A type of EEPROM chip that can be reprogrammed from a utility on diskette while still installed in a system; most EEPROM chips can only be rewritten with special programming equipment.
F O R M A T — To prepare a hard drive or diskette for storing files. An unconditional format deletes all data stored on the disk.
F T — Feet.
FTP — File transfer protocol.
G — Gram(s).
G — Gravities.
G B — Gigabit(s); 1024 megabits or 1,073,741,824 bits.
GB — Gigabyte(s); 1024 megabytes or 1,073,741,824 bytes. However, when referring to
G R A P H I C S M O D E — A video mode that can be defined as x horizontal by y vertical pixels by z colors.
G R O U P — As it relates to DMI, a group is a data structure that defines common information, or attributes, about a manageable component.
G U A R D I N G — A type of data redundancy in which a set of physical drives stores data and an additional drive stores parity data. See also mirroring, striping, and RAID.