Practice lessons and examples | |
Bolus examples |
Meal bolus |
Normal meal bolus using the exchange system | 25 |
Bolus practice | 26 |
Normal meal bolus practice using exchanges | 26 |
Normal meal bolus using carbohydrate counting | 26 |
Correction bolus |
Meal bolus, correction bolus and insulin sensitivity | 27 |
Practice: Meal bolus | 28 |
Max bolus |
Example 1: Max bolus | 31 |
Example 2: Max bolus | 31 |
Basal examples |
Basal programming |
Practice: Basal programming | 35 |
Max basal |
Example 1: Max Basal | 38 |
Example 2: Max Basal | 38 |
Suspend/Resume examples |
Example: Suspend function | 40 |
Practice: Suspend function | 41 |
Practice: Resume basal delivery after a suspend | 41 |