HOME screen | 15 |
Screen icons | 15 |
Battery | 15 |
Time display | 16 |
Reservoir volume | 16 |
Alert and alarm icons | 16 |
Scroll bar | 16 |
Screen backlight | 17 |
Beep/vibrate | 17 |
Operating modes | 17 |
Menus | 19 |
STATUS screen | 20 |
If you remove your pump | 21 |
Pump settings | 21 |
Insulin | 21 |
Chapter 3 Basic programming | 23 |
Setting the time and date | 23 |
Bolus insulin delivery types | 24 |
Normal bolus | 24 |
Review your bolus deliveries | 29 |
Bolus details | 30 |
Maximum bolus limit | 31 |
BG reminder | 32 |
Basal | 33 |
Start and stop times | 33 |
Your basal settings | 34 |
Basal programming and delivery | 34 |
Basal review | 36 |
Current basal delivery | 36 |
Daily basal rate(s) | 36 |
Max basal rate | 38 |
Stopping your pump | 39 |
Resume pump delivery | 40 |
vi Contents