Screen backlight
When you press from the HOME screen, the light on the screen turns on or off. During
programming, the backlight can be turned on by pressing the and the together. The light will
stay on while you are pressing any of the pump buttons. It will stay on as long as the current screen is active.
To conserve your battery, the backlight will turn off automatically while the pump is vibrating. After the vibration is finished, the light will turn back on. The backlight cannot be turned on in a Low Battery condition.
Your pump will beep or vibrate to indicate activity. See “Setting your alert type” on page 109 for setup instructions.
Operating modes
The screen lets you know when a special feature is active or if there is a condition that needs your attention. The active features and pump status will determine the operating mode. The screens for the three modes are shown below.
WARNING: When the pump is in “Attention mode,” all insulin deliveries are stopped.
Normal - mode for standard pump operations for normal basal and bolus delivery. No special features are active (i.e., basal patterns, temp basal, etc.). No alarms and no alerts exist.
Normal Mode
The basics 17