Example 1:
Basal patterns
Ken has had his insulin pump for about a month. He tests his blood glucose 4 - 6 times a day and records his results in his logbook. He is happy with his glucose control during the week but on the weekends, he noticed that he has to eat more food to prevent his blood glucose from running too low.
Ken has realized that during the week while he is at work, he is very inactive and sits at a desk most of the time. On the weekends, though, he is busy with yard work, running errands and playing with his kids. He determines that he needs to have lower basal settings to receive less insulin during active times, such as his weekend.
He can use the Basal Patterns feature to support his weekend change in activity. During the week, he can set his pump to deliver in the standard setting, and on Saturday morning, he can switch over to Pattern A, which he can set with lower basal rates for the weekend. On Monday morning, he can return his pump to the Standard setting for his weekday insulin needs.
Example 2:
Basal patterns
Cynthia has had diabetes for about 12 years and has been on her Paradigm pump for several weeks. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Cynthia goes on a
Your turn:
Can you think of situations where you might require different basal rate settings on different days?