Link - To turn on and setup the meter option that allows the pump to receive blood glucose readings from the Paradigm Link meter.
Low resv warning - Programmable warning that notifies you with an alert when either a specified number of units remain in the reservoir or a specified amount of time remains before the reservoir will be empty.
Manual bolus - Selectable item available in the BOLUS MENU when the Bolus Wizard feature is active. One method of programming a bolus without the Bolus Wizard feature (see “Set bolus” on page xxi).
Manual prime - Fills the infusion set tubing with insulin before you insert the set into your body. This function is available after a rewind.
Max bolus - The maximum amount of bolus insulin that the pump can deliver at one time (set by the user).
Max basal rate - The maximum amount of basal insulin that the pump will deliver at one time (set by the user).
Meter - The Paradigm Link Blood Glucose Monitor Powered by BD Logic™ Technology (Paradigm Link meter). Your pump can be programmed to receive your blood glucose readings from this meter.
Meter option - Feature that allows the pump to receive blood glucose readings from the Paradigm Link meter.
Normal mode - Regular operating mode. No special features are active, no alert or alarm conditions exist. Insulin delivery is normal during this mode.
Normal bolus - One of three types of bolus insulin deliveries where all the insulin is delivered at once. This is usually used to bring your blood glucose level back down to your blood glucose target range when you are fasting, and the high blood glucose is unexpected. The other types of bolus insulin deliveries are Dual Wave (see page xix), and Square Wave (see page xxi).
Now portion- The “Normal” portion of a Dual Wave bolus. The now portion is delivered all at once, followed by the Square portion.
Pattern feature - Extended pump feature that allows you to program optional basals (Pattern A, Pattern B) that support activities that are not
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