Chapter 2
Step 4 – Prepare and install cartridges
Two types of Exatape™ 8mm Data Cartridges are available: advanced metal evaporated (AME) and metal particle (MP). Exabyte Mammoth tape drives write and read AME tape and read, but do not write, MP tape. Eliant 820 tape drives write and read MP tapes, but do not support AME tape.
➤Important Because of media management and application software issues, Exabyte recommends that you do not mix AME and MP data cartridges in the same library. If you must mix AME and MP cartridges, contact your application software vendor.
Always use Exabyte media to achieve the best tape drive performance. The tape drives are tested to specifications using Exabyte media at the factory.
26 | Exabyte 440 and Exabyte 480 |