Debugger Components
General Debugger Components
Microcontrollers Debugger Manual
Memory Context Menu
The Memory Context menu allows you to execute memory associated commands. Figure
3.44 shows the Memory Context menu and Table 3.21 describes the menu entries. Menu
contents vary when the DBG module is available.
Figure 3.44 Memory Context Menu
Table 3.21 explains the menu entries in the Memory Context menu.
Table 3.21 Memory Context Menu Description
Menu Entry Description
Set Watchpoint Appears in the context menu only if no watchpoint is set or disabled
on the selected memory range. When selected, sets a Read/Write
watchpoint at this memory area. Memory ranges where a read/write
watchpoint has been defined are underlined in yellow. If the memory
area is accessed during execution of the application, the program is
halted and the current program state is displayed in all window
Appears in the context menu only if a watchpoint is set or disabled
on the selected memory range. When selected, deletes this