RS08 Full Chip Simulation
Configuration Procedure
Microcontrollers Debugger Manual

Show Processor Pins

The Processor Pins dialog box is a convenient tool for monitoring the current state of the
processor pins, as well as the peripheral with which a pin may be associated. The
processor is represented, in graphical form, in the middle of the dialog box. Each pin is
labeled with its current function. For example, Pin 2 is the BKGD pin upon reset.
However, with the appropriate write to the SOPT register, the user can observe that Pin 2
changes to PTA3 in the Processor Pins dialog box.
In the dialog box, each processor pin (with the exception of the power pins, Vdd and
GND) has a corresponding arrow. If the arrow points towards the processor, this indicates
that the pin is configured as an input. Conversely, if the arrow points away from the
processor, this indicates that the pin is configured as an output.
Figure 24.6 Processor Pins Window
Below the graphical processor representation are several buttons, each corresponding to a
processor peripheral. Pressing the button of a given peripheral brings up the appropriate
register files (see below), allowing for easy and informative manipulation of all status,
control, and data bits associated with a peripheral.
At the bottom of the dialog box are two additional buttons. The Show Clocks button
brings up the simulated clock frequencies. The Set Inputs button brings up the Inputs
dialog box, which allows the user to set the simulated input buffers to any valid value.