HCS08 On-Chip DBG Module
Trigger Module Settings Window
Microcontrollers Debugger Manual

Expert Mode

The User needs to know the on-chip DBG module really well to use this mode. It can be
seen as a “Do It Yourself” way to set the DBG module. The HCS08 core manual is needed
to understand the meaning of the registers and flags.
The triggers comparator addresses can be set from the debugger Source, Assembly,
Memory and Data windows using Set DBGCA or Set DBGCB. The DBG module is set by
the debugger. DBG module enabling and arming depend on the selected flags set within
the DBG register control registers (through the Expert triggers tab property page). The
settings are written to the hardware right before the application is run. The DBG module is
reset when the application stops.
Figure 23.17 Trigger Settings Tab - Expert Mode Information
To set Expert triggers, the Trigger Module Settings window Expert triggers tab must be
used. Select the Expert mode in the list menu to enable the Expert Mode Tab.