Debugger Engine Commands
Commands Overview
Microcontrollers Debugger Manual
Base Commands
Base commands are used to monitor the Simulator/Debugger target execution. Target
input/output files, target execution control, direct memory editing, breakpoint
management and CPU register setup are handled by these commands. Base commands can
be executed independent of components that are open. Table 34.2 contains all available
Base commands.
Table 34.2 List of Base Commands
Command, Syntax Short Description
BC address|* Deletes a breakpoint (breakpoint clear)
BS address|function [P|T[state]] Sets a breakpoint (breakpoint set)
CD [path] Changes the current working directory
CR [fileName][;A] Opens a record file (command records)
DASM [address|range][;OBJ] Disassembles
DB [address|range] Displays memory bytes
DL [address|range] Displays memory bytes as longwords
DW [address|range] Displays memory bytes as words
G [address] Starts execution of the application currently loaded
GO [address] Starts execution of the application currently loaded
LF [fileName][;A] Opens a log file
LOG type [=] state {[,] type [=]
Enables or disables logging of a specified
information type
MEM Displays the memory map
MS range list Sets memory bytes
NOCR Closes the record file
NOLF Closes the log file
P [address] Single assembly steps into program
RESTART Restarts the loaded application
RD [list|*] Displays the content of registers