Microcontrollers Debugger Manual
Configuration 199
Default Layout Configuration 845
Demo Version Limitations 26
Drag and Drop 55
Engine 25
Layout 846
Project 846
project.ini 845
Running from a command line 29
Smart User Interface 54
Tool tip 33
User Interface 54
Using on Windows 2000 199
TUPDATE command 829
Type list menu 529
Type of Unit 152


UDec menu entry 84, 95, 113, 207
UNDEF command 829
Undefined trigger address 529
Unfold All Text menu entry 124
UNFOLD command 832
Unfold menu entry 124
Unfolding 118
Mark 118
Unsecure option 481
Unsigned Decimal 207
Unsigned Decimal format 207
UNTIL command 832
UPDATERATE command 833
USBCLR Command 328
USBOUT Command 330
USBRESET Command 331
User menu entry 82
User’s Manual 398


Address 208
Displaying Format 79
Displaying Global Variables 206
Displaying Local Variables 205
Editing Value 208
Local and Global 79
Mode 82
Scope 79
Showing Location 209
Type 79
Value 207
Variable modification 208
Vector mirroring setup 492
VER command 833
Version number, finding 51
Vertical Size menu entry 144
Vertical Text Alignment 153
View menu 38
View Register Files 256
Viewing Code 213
Viewing data 426
7-Segment Display 150
Analog 147
Bar Instrument 147
Bitmap 148
Demo 155
Demo limitation 155
Demo Version Limitations 155
DILSwitch 149
Instrument 146
Knob 149
LED 150
Properties 145
Switch 151
Text 152
VisualizationTool Component 141
VisualizationTool Context menu entries 143
VisualizationTool menu entries 142
VisualizationTool Properties menu entries 145


-W Option 30
WAIT command 834
Checking condition 173
Command 178
Conditional 177, 184